Zorayr Manukyan - Tips For Creating An Offering Around Your Expertise


Are you looking for ways to monetize your expertise and create an offering around it? If so, there are plenty of options available that can help capitalize on the knowledge and skills you possess. With time and thoughtfulness, these strategies can become valuable tools to leverage your business or start a successful venture. In this blog post, Zorayr Manukyan discusses the various aspects involved in formulating an effective way to market your expertise and maximize earnings over time. You'll get insights into understanding customer needs, creating unique offerings tailored towards them, pricing tactics that result in lasting visibility among consumers, as well as other tips guaranteed to have potential customers flocking to what you have created. So let's dive right in!


Zorayr Manukyan’s Tips For Creating An Offering Around Your Expertise

1. Clearly Explain Your Offering: According to Zorayr Manukyan, the key to creating an offering around your expertise is to clearly define what you are offering and explain it in detail. Be sure to include features, benefits, pricing, and any other pertinent information that prospective customers should know before they make a purchase decision. Additionally, include data points such as stats or survey results that demonstrate the effectiveness of your offering or why it's superior to competitors. For example, if you offer digital marketing services, you may want to include statistics like "On average our clients achieve a 23% increase in their website traffic within 3 months of using our service".


2. Establish Yourself As A Thought Leader: It is important for people to view you as an expert in your field so that they trust you and feel comfortable working with you. You can help establish yourself as a thought leader by creating content regularly, such as blog posts, YouTube videos, or podcasts, that demonstrate your expertise and provide valuable advice. You can also be featured in interviews on other websites or publications to further demonstrate your knowledge.


3. Create Leverage Points: Creating leverage points will allow you to make more money while spending less time on client work. For example, you could create an online course where people pay a one-time fee to access the material and get additional support from you without needing individual 1-on-1 sessions. This is especially beneficial if you want to reach more people but don’t have the time to work with each one individually. Additionally, you could offer a retainer package where people pay a monthly fee for access to your advice and solutions on an ongoing basis.


4. Utilize Networking Opportunities: It's important to attend networking events, conferences, and other social gatherings to meet potential clients and spread awareness of your brand and offering. Having face-to-face interactions is often more effective than trying to sell online, as people are able to get a better understanding of who you are and what you do. You should also consider joining relevant industry associations or groups that can help connect you with potential customers or partners in your field. Additionally, it's important to utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to find new leads and build relationships.


5. Monitor And Measure Results: Once you have launched your offering, it’s important, as per Zorayr Manukyan, to monitor the results and make adjustments as needed. Track your progress using analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Facebook Insights to measure how many people are visiting your website, downloading materials, or signing up for services. This will help you determine which strategies are working and what needs to be changed in order to maximize success. Additionally, surveying existing customers can provide valuable feedback that can be used to further improve your product or service. For example, a survey may reveal that customers would prefer more tutorials rather than webinars for a particular product, so you can adjust accordingly.


Zorayr Manukyan’s Concluding Thoughts

According to Zorayr Manukyan, creating an offering around your expertise can be a daunting task, but with the right strategy, it can be incredibly rewarding. By clearly defining what you have to offer, establishing yourself as an expert in the field, and utilizing leverage points, networking opportunities, and tracking results, you will be well on your way to success.

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