Zorayr Manukyan - Tips For Creating An Offering Around Your Expertise

Are you looking for ways to monetize your expertise and create an offering around it? If so, there are plenty of options available that can help capitalize on the knowledge and skills you possess. With time and thoughtfulness, these strategies can become valuable tools to leverage your business or start a successful venture. In this blog post, Zorayr Manukyan discusses the various aspects involved in formulating an effective way to market your expertise and maximize earnings over time. You'll get insights into understanding customer needs, creating unique offerings tailored towards them, pricing tactics that result in lasting visibility among consumers, as well as other tips guaranteed to have potential customers flocking to what you have created. So let's dive right in! Zorayr Manukyan ’s Tips For Creating An Offering Around Your Expertise 1. Clearly Explain Your Offering: According to Zorayr Manukyan, the key to creating an offering around your expertise is to c...